Thursday 30 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Friday, July 31
Psalm 89:11-18
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD. Psalm 89:15, NIV
To “walk in the light of your presence” signifies abiding in God’s love, and thus keeping His instructions/commands daily; notwithstanding the human limited sense of judgment that may desire or even argue to the contrary. Positive attitude of perpetual obedience to divine instructions will certainly elicit divine pleasure, and thus result in joy and abundant blessings to the individual, family, or even a nation. 
 “Respect is reciprocal,” is a popular maxim. Everyone loves to be honoured and respected by their juniors and seniors alike. Thus, appropriate rewards, sometimes in the form of physical gifts in, words of approvals, or even promotion in ranks, are usually given. The same process goes for disrespectful or disobedient folks at home, or work, or communities where appropriate punishment is to be meted out. Today’s passage shows that a delight in obeying God’s instruction will certainly attract God’s attention: it will bring divine pleasure, which will be bestowed upon obedient and faithful children/nations. Make up your mind to walk in the light always.
Birthday Blessing: I will hope in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Psalm 74:14
Read Bible Through Passage: Job 29, 30, 31; Acts 27:1-20
A single godly light can put a host of darkness to flight. Carry God’s light. - Femi Okunlola

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