Monday 20 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Tuesday, July 21
Ezekiel 34:1-6
“My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill….” Ezekiel 34:6, NIV
The Lord is very jealous over His children. It is for this reason that He ensures that shepherds are provided for His people at every given time. Amongst others, shepherds are to care for God’s people, strengthen the weak, heal the sick and search for lost sheep. The shepherds in Prophet Ezekiel’s time were however not faithful in these assignments. Instead of caring for the sheep, they concentrated on caring for themselves. This was not overlooked by the Lord, the Great Shepherd. He therefore announced His judgment on the shepherds.
The shepherds of our days include spiritual leaders such as pastors, political leaders and everyone occupying a leadership position. Many of these leaders are not different from the shepherds of Ezekiel’s time. In like manner, they are very selfish and insensitive. Instead of caring for and feeding the sheep, they feed on the sheep. This explains the frustration of people around the world today. People are scattered spiritually, physically, emotionally and in every area of life. If you are responsible for God’s scattered sheep in your care, make amends today before God would bring His judgment upon you.
Birthday Blessing: …He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Deuteronomy 33:29
Read Bible Through Passage: Esther 6, 7, 8; Acts 19:23-41
It is hypocrisy to seek for forgiveness when there is no intention of repentance and change. - Femi Okunlola

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