Sunday 19 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Monday, July 20
Psalm 13
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. Psalm 13:5, NIV
Life is filled with all kinds of challenges and sometimes they could be frustrating. David, in this passage, went through a challenge of prolonged and serious illness that made him to wonder if the Lord had forgotten him. We also, sometimes, respond to life’s challenges like David did. In fact, because of challenges, some have stopped having their daily devotion, going to church; and have backslid completely. These are not proper responses to challenges of life. David subsequently resorted to praying instead of complaining. He resolved to trust in God’s steadfast love and sing of it. 
How are you responding to the challenges confronting you currently? Are you complaining and grumbling against God? How long will you weep over that matter? One of our hymns says “weeping will not save me.” Hope you are not quietly angry at God and slowing down in your commitment to Him? Hope you are not considering the option of quitting the faith? Why not pray like David and trust in God’s steadfast love?
Birthday Blessing:  For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land-a land with wheat and barley… and honey. Deuteronomy 8:8
Read Bible Through Passage: Esther 3, 4, 5; Acts 19:1-22
Divine love is not an abstract theory; it is a living person. - Author Unknown

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