Saturday 11 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Sunday, July 12
Micah 3:5-12
“…You priests teach God’s laws only for a price, you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid, yet all of you claim to depend on the Lord.” Micah 3:11, NLT
Micah in this passage fearlessly took on the rulers of Israel, priests and prophets. While Micah remained true to his calling and proclaimed God’s message, the false prophets message were determined by the amount of favours they received. Micah prophesied that one day shame will come upon the false prophets for their actions.
Pastors today accept bribes and allow big contributors to control the church. If fear of losing money or members influences pastors to remain silent when they should speak up for what is right, their churches are in danger. Wealthy people in the church must never use their resources to influence or manipulate God’s ministers - that is bribery to dance to their tune. If this action of the rulers and the ruled continue, then surely the predicted doom would become a reality. We need the Spirit of God to embolden the true prophets so that they can make a change. Pray for His help now. 
Birthday Blessing: Do not be afraid you will never suffer shame. Isaiah 54:4
Read Bible Through Passage: Ezra 10; Acts 13:40-52
The Bible warns that money cannot buy happiness, money cannot buy true pleasure. Money cannot buy peace of heart. And money cannot buy entrance into the kingdom of God. —Billy Graham

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