Wednesday 1 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Thursday, July 2
Psalm 7:9-17
“O righteous God who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure.” Psalm 7:9, NIV
These are the worst times globally and especially for our country. Human activities are crippled in a section of the country as a result of the violent activities of insurgents. The president had to declare a state of emergency in those regions and send troops to quell terrorist acts. While victims are still counting their human and material losses, unwise pundits are busy passing blame. Some blame bad leadership, corruption, poverty, lack of education and so on.
In today’s passage, we see two things that we must all desire and pray for in times like this. One is that all violence tendencies should be brought to an end in our lives. The reformation we must earnestly pursue, thus, is the reformation of our manners. Two, we must pray for enduring righteousness, so that the bad may become good, while the good become better. Do not be an instigator or promoter of violence in the family,
community and church. Surrender your negative passions to God so that He can heal you.
Birthday Blessing: … The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.
Exodus 14:13
Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chr. 24, 25; Acts 8:1-25
Man cannot cover what God will reveal. - Thomas Campbell


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