Thursday 30 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Thursday, July 30
Jeremiah 50: 28-34
Yet their Redeemer is strong; the LORD Almighty is his name…. Jeremiah 50: 34, NIV
God is great, awesome in power, and incomparable in strength. The demonstration of God’s power is seen not only in providing for physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of His creatures, it is much more evident in the maintenance of law and order among the diverse occupants (humans, wild animals, sea creatures, and so on) of the world. To assert the supremacy of His power over the turbulent and arrogant nature of some of the created orders, God often settles quarrels by disciplining the guilty and absolving the innocent.
Today’s text states that God will always defend His people because they have been willingly chosen to obey His commands as their Creator. Most of their arrogant neighbours, (Gentile/uncircumcised nations) typified in today’s passage by the Babylonians, usually disobeyed the divine instructions with impunity, thinking that they will get away with it. Beloved, those who think they would get away with oppressing you have got God to contend with. They will soon regret while you will rejoice.
Birthday Blessing:  God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear... Psalm 46:1-2
Read Bible Through Passage: Job 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; Acts 26
Trusting in God does not prevent experience of crisis, but it assures of victory. - Unknown

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