Wednesday 29 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)


Wednesday, July 29

Isaiah 54: 1-8

“For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back…" says the LORD your Redeemer. Isaiah 54:7-8, NIV
In today’s passage, Prophet Isaiah clearly reveals to us the fact that God is forever loving and compassionate. He relates to all men in love. The text enumerates different categories of crises to which the people were subjected, ranging from barrenness to divorce, antagonism, and humiliation of various kinds and so on. Some might even have concluded that all hopes were already lost. Yet, God (through the prophet) assures of His willingness to bring about restoration that is far beyond human expectation.
Man is limited in knowledge and understanding, and easily interprets all painful experiences as punishment from God. While it is possible for people to suffer as a result of past wrong-doing, human suffering is not always the reason for crisis (cf. John 9:1-3). Even when God chooses to punish the guilty for sins committed, it is usually done in love than to inflict pain. While it is true that those who violate policies should be punished, at least for it to serve as deterrence for others, godly leaders should learn to treat each case on its own merit. In that wise, they will be emulating one of the divine attributes which is compassion.

Birthday Blessing: … God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Read Bible Through Passage: Job 21, 22, 23; Acts 25

Our God has a big eraser. - Billy Zeoli


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