Saturday 24 September 2016

Advancement Business Wise by Mr. Oye Adesina
@Jubilee Life Baptist church
The ultimate goal of a business man is to make profit.
If the basic and the foundational view of having a business is making profit, then advancement might be a problem.
Business is beyond location, there could be a shop there could be an office and still not be a business.
Business involves the activity, when there is an office and a location without no activity then it’s no business.
Some people’s business is just average they are not making loss they are not making profit.
Business Concept
If the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do – From the Bible, which is very key.
Concept of a business starts with thinking, of my focus, my target market and my aim for setting up this business.
IF YOU DO WHAT AM DOING BECAUSE AM MAKING WAVES YOU CAN NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME WHY? “Because you have no concept no inspiration, you only saw what is visible to your eyes my outcomes but you don’t know what is behind the veil”.
We want to go into business and we don’t want to think then we shouldn’t be ready of advancing.
Passion is Key if you want to advance in anything you do.
Passion is a deep drive to do something.

By BILL GATE “The business without internet access is a business with no business at all”

#advancement #thepaulthatspeaks 2016 - PAUL SPEAKS Advancement Spiritually by Pastor Femi Omosogbe For spiritual advancement, you must have a close relationship with your God. Stages of Spiritual Advancement. First Stage: Have A Vision - Observe the word 'WOE'. A word of confession - 'Go' a word of commission Second stage: Have A Passion - Be passionate about something to fulfill a particular purpose. Third Stage: Prayer (Be very prayerful) - Prayer is a railway in which God's locomotive moves. Fourth Stage: Holiness - For you to advance, be holy and flee from sin - "God is holy" means "God is absolutely pure." #advancement #thepaulthatspeaks

Advancement 2016 - PAUL SPEAKS

Advancement2016 @ jubilee life baptist church ibadan, Nigeria.
@(Prof. Oyesoji Aremu) talking on Advancement Professionally

10 commandments of advancing professionally.

1)Thou shall have a dream
2)Thou shall know thyself
3)Thou shall write his/her goals
4)Thou shall write positive goals
5)Thou shall write present goals
6)Thou shall write personal gaols (smart goals,time bound, precise and measurable)
7)Thou shall break down the goals
8)Thou shall write smart goals
9)Thou shall be committed to thy goals
10)Thou shall go public


Saturday 17 September 2016

#Advancement 2016

Babatunde Paul - PAUL SPEAKS 
has a primary vision of making a positive impact in his generation, giving hope to the hopeless and making available to the society at large, what  is needed to make the world better.
Babatunde Paul (Paul Speaks); the convener of Advancement 2016. 

It's all we've desired in every area of our lives and the way through is what is brought to you.
Advancement Professionally :- Professor Oyesoji Aremu
Advancement Maritally :- Dr, Mrs Oluwayemisi Alaba
Advancement Spiritually :- Pst Omosogbe
Advancement Business-wise :- Mr Oye Adesina.
It's all for the best and only the best you will get...
Make it a date @ Jubilee life Baptist Church, 12 Olutunde Ojoway Bashorun, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Registration fee :- #500
Date: September 24 by 10:00am.
Don't miss out !!!
(call: 08163187045; 09033387257; 08131808075, for more information)

...a mind the knows, is a mind that's free

Monday 23 May 2016


Lord, I come before you today to express my heart of gratitude for your love over my life, for the gift of your Son, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, for wisdom, knowledge, for understanding, for provision, protection, abundance, health, healing, revelation.

Lord, I thank You, for who You are. You are awesome, mighty, wonderful, gracious, patient, merciful, full of kindness, always caring. You are God all by Yourself, there's none like You!
Father accept my heartfelt appreciation today. Amen.


The ever glorious news of all seasons our Creator gave to mankind was the message of His birth.
It brought joy to people abiding in sin, and fear of destruction. The good tiding was a timely Important message and it is the key that unlocks a fortune for the people in a trying period.
It gives hope to the hopeless and goodwill towards men. So, let the good tidings change your life forever.

Tuesday 17 May 2016


Psalm 146:1-2
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord, O my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live

Psalm 147:1
Praise the Lord
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

Revd. and Mrs. Philp Adika led the church in songs of worship into the prescence
of God, on Sunday, (15th May 2016).
Rev. Adika ministering during the Morning service on Sunday 

Mrs. Adika Ministering during the morning service on Sunday

The Morning Service was indeed glorious and wonderful as worshipers came with a heart of Worship and praise to God. They brought their dancing shoes and instruments of worship, just as
the church pastor (Revd. 'Tunde Babatunde) had earlier announced.

The church was encouraged by the church secretary, and the song minister (Revd. Philp Adika) not to allow the situation of the country deprive them of praising God.
God moved mightily during the praise sessions and spoke to the church through His vessels.

The evening service was prophetic, filled with praise, and teaching, as the minister, (Revd. Philp Adika) taught from the book of 1Samuel 2:2, and gave a broad explanation of how Hannah praised God, after God had blessed her with a son, after years of bareness. He further explained the mystery behind how more children came to be after Hannah's first child. Which reveals the power of praise.
 He made the church understand that one may pray amiss but one can not praise amiss.

Afterwards he led the church into another session of praise where the power of God moved mightily as women who needed children were blessed, and God came amidst us in His mighty power to bless everyone present.

pictures from the the evening session;

even the children were not left out in the praise of our Father

Drumming in the Holy Ghost

Pastor Joseph, on the talking drum

Rev. and Mrs Adika Ministering in the evening

Rev. and Mrs. Adika ministering in the evening service
To God be the Glory.