Wednesday 15 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Wednesday, July 15
Numbers 22:1-14
“Spend the night here,” Balaam said to them, “and I will bring you back the answer the LORD gives me.” Numbers 22:8, NIV
The Israelites faced a lot of difficulties on their way to the Promised Land. The Lord was however there to give them victory at every stage. Because of this consistent victory, other nations were afraid of Israel. An example is the incident between Moab and Israel. Even when Israel had no intention of possessing any portion of the Moabite’s land, Balak was afraid that Israel was coming to dispossess and defeat her as she had done to other nations. Balak consequently hired a prominent diviner, Balaam, to curse the people of God.
The intention was to first defeat Israel spiritually before attacking her physically. In His supremacy, the Lord restrained Balaam from following the elders of Moab.   He could not do anything contrary to this instruction. It is important to note that the word the Lord speaks is important for our living. This should challenge us to daily spend time before the Lord in His word. This is a major key to success in every phase of life (Joshua 1:8).
Birthday Blessing: The LORD will fight for you; you need to keep your peace. Exodus 14:14
Read Bible Through Passage: Neh. 7, 8; Acts 15:19-41
God always has the last Word. - James Philip

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