Friday 10 July 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Saturday, July 11
Isaiah 45:5-13
“Woe to him who quarrels with his maker….” Isaiah 45:9, NIV
Some children do insult and speak harshly to their parents. Those who refuse to repent among them often end up horribly. Whoever faults and criticizes God for his or her makeup is inviting God’s curse. At times, God conceals His treasure in man’s deficiency and deformity. It is in such that God reveals that He is God. This is a fundamental truth, which if believed would abolish idolatry out of this world. God also declares His sovereignty by affirming that nothing is or could be done without Him (v7): He created light, darkness, good times and bad times.
It is disastrous to quarrel with such an awesome and powerful God. Many people have caused themselves unnecessary pain due to their dissatisfaction with where God has placed them or how He created them. Whatever unpleasant situation you are going through, do not resent them, but ask God what He wants you to learn from such experience to make you a better child of His.
Birthday Blessing: …The one who is throwing you into confusion will pay the penalty, whoever he may be. Galatians 5:10
Read Bible Through Passage: Ezra 8, 9; Acts 13:14-39
To strive with God is not only foolish; it is self destructive. - Femi Okunlola

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