Friday 26 June 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Saturday, June 27
Jeremiah 14:1-10
Thus says the Lord concerning this people: “They have loved to wander…therefore the Lord does not accept them, now he will remember their iniquity and punish their sins.” Jeremiah 14:10, RSV
As human beings, we are always quick to remind God of the good things we have done or are doing for which we want Him to show kindness unto us. We simply do not want Him to forget such nice ties of ours. We do not take note that if God can remember what we have done well He will not forget the evils we do too, especially if we refuse to change from it. Everything we do is written before God no matter the length of time. Therefore, every unconfessed sin still stands before the Lord irrespective of how and when it was committed until the day of reckoning.
The unrepentant Judah mourned because of the situation they found themselves, they pleaded with God to do something about their situation, yet they failed to restrain their feet from straying away from the Lord. God declared that He would remember their wickedness and punish them for their sin. Is there any unconfessed sin in your life? Have you been wandering away from God? If God will reward you for good done, He will not overlook the sin that you refused to repent of too. All He wants is your genuine repentance. Can you now pray for repentance and commitment?
• Birthday Blessing: They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. Psalm 92:14
Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chr. 11, 12, 13; Acts 5:17-42
God does not allow unregenerate sinners to do as they will… live as they please, and still go free. - Ben Mitchel

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