Friday 19 June 2015


I love this from REMI BADRU. Maybe u will like it too...

It was our wedding day, I was so eager to see my beautiful bride. But I was so disappointed when I saw her because she was looking like another person entirely.  The make-up artist that helped in preparing her for the wedding succeeded in painting her as someone else. Recently,  one of my big Uncle's posted a picture of a lady on his wall and posted another picture along the lady's picture;  he asked his friends and followers,  if they believe that the lady in the two pictures is the same. I cannot believe it because the lady has been toned up and made up to be more beautiful,  spotless and gorgeous than she really is. My friends,  the make-up business is one of the most trending businesses today  and I have nothing against it. After all, I remember that whenever anyone fails a particular course in school,  he or she is allowed to make up for it by working extra hours and sometimes repeating the course. Hence, I was shocked a few days ago, when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me on the make-up generation. Let me sincerely remind you that God cannot be mocked, He knows the truth about us. When ladies applies make-up,  it is to make them look beautiful, attractive and most importantly to cover their defects;  but in the real sense of it, the make-up will not be there forever. The make-up does not remove the defects in the person, rather it hides it for a while. That means that your true picture will sooner or later emerge. My friends used to jokingly say that you will know the actual beauty of a lady if you see her  very early in the morning, before she makes herself up. My friends,  there is no make up that can cover our real identities and that can remove our defects. It is a pity that many people have become so fake that they are even making up for God. It is a shame that we are using air conditioned auditoriums,  powerful sound system and beautiful decorations as make-ups for evangelism, because we want to attract people. In a youth meeting that I attended, as we were worshiping,  artificial smoke was released and the Lord asked me, if that can make-up for his manifold presence. I asked my wife what happens to a lady who have dark spots on her body but used make-up to cover them, but the husband discovers it on her wedding night, when she must have washed up everything to return to her normal self? What she was covering definitely will be seen. What are you covering from God? You can't pretend forever. Isaiah saw his true picture before it was late, because he could have died as a great prophet who had no heavenly recognition.  Human applause does not mean heavens approval. When you make-up, you can appear beautiful but you know yourself.  Stop trying to impress people, why don't you accept yourself and stop feeling inferior in yourself. This is a generation that runs from the truth but celebrates packaged lies as the truth. Many of our youths left churches where they can be disciplined, where the presence of God is so real, where the power of God is manifest and went to 'tushed' churches but when they have problems, they run to prayer mountains and prophets.  Who are you deceiving? Beautiful clothing cannot make-up for bad lifestyle!  Charisma cannot make-up for bad character.  Speaking in tongues learnt cannot make-up for the true in-filling of the Holy Spirit. Who are you really living for?  God or people?  Do you know why you don't have peace?  Why are you under so much pressure?  Just to look good before people. And then? Yes you are looking good before people but God does not look at your appearance.  I heard the Lord say to Samuel,  'do not be deceived,  I have not chosen him. He looks the part but does not have the right heart. You cannot continue to make-up forever,  why not be true to yourself and open up to Jesus? Adam and Eve were the first make-up artists,  yet God saw their nakedness where they were hiding. Stop hiding! #iRISE

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