Wednesday 24 June 2015

Seek Daily (NBC)

Thursday, June 25
Hosea 10:1-8
“The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed….” Hosea 10:8, RSV
As a child, and even when I became a teenager I can remember my mother saying to me, “I will beat that stubbornness out of you today.” She actually succeeded by flogging and doing all sorts of things to destroy the altar of stubbornness that the Devil had erected in me. This was exactly what the Lord did to the Israelites. He had to deal with the sin of idol worship by demolishing their altars (verse 2B-) and leaving the place to grow thorns and thistles until they became ashamed of it (verse 8B-).
When the Israelites came out of Egypt, God gave them Ten Commandments, two of which forbade them of having and worshipping other gods but Israel did not obey God; they set up for themselves idols in all of their cities and worshipped them. They turned Bethel (House of God) to Beth-aven (house of idols) and God has to rid them of this sin. Today, there are many who go to church but are filled with idols inside. They shout hallelujah but are still filled with filthiness within. Today’s passage reveals what will happen to such people. Therefore, rid yourself of the idols in your house and heart so that you can escape the impending judgment coming upon sinners.
• Birthday Blessing: Before I formed thee… I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5
Read Bible Through Passage: 2 Chr. 6, 7; Acts 4:23-47
In the divine scheme of things, sin demands punishment. - Ben Mitchel

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