Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Anointing Service

By anointing Jesus breaks the yoke... By the Holy Ghost and power just as the prophet has foretold... This is the day of the latter rain and God's spirit is moving again ; by anointing Jesus breaks the yoke.
It was a wonderful experience in God's presence.
The power of God can also locate you wherever you are because distance can not be a barrier to the move of the Holy Spirit.
Study and pray with the following Bible passages :
2 chronicles 7 vs 14 - Pray for the forgiveness of sin.
Psalm 107 vs 20 - Pray for healing .
Isiah 58 vs 6 - Pray for deliverance from the bond of wickedness, from the hand of the oppressor and pray that God should break every yoke in your life.
It is well with you in Jesus name...

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