Sunday 12 April 2015

From the altar...

Topic- Living a Resurrected Life.

Bible Text - Hebrew 12:1-3; Ezekiel 37:11-18.

All things work together for the good of
those who love God.
Don't focus on the challenges  around  you. 
Focus on the glory ahead of you.
To focus  on  the glory ahead
Develop a resurrection  mentality
   You'll never experience  the third phase resurrection if  you don't bury the past.
You can't have a hopeless situation if you are in tune with your God.  (your case can't be hopeless if you're  a child of God.)
  Exodus 37:11-18...  God will open your grave don't ever loose hope on anything,  God is still at work. 
Here are Four powerful things to do if you'll experience resurrection :
1. Resurrect in your thinking - Your thought is the gateway to your life.   ''  you can never rise above your thinking " proverb 23:7.  Your thinking creates boundaries above you and makes possibilities for you.  Your life will move in the direction of your most dominant thought.
Whatever you conceive and believe you'll receive. Renew your mind, Romans 12:2
2. Resurrect in your expectations :
You must raise your expectations in life.  Proverbs 23:18
For  you to get to your promise land, you have to raise your expectations(colossians 2:15) ... Nothing can stop you...
3. Resurrect in your perspective -  Your perspective is the glass through
which you see life...  How do you see life;  a looser or a winner.
Look up high...  If you're driving and you're looking back or down,  you will crash...  If you'll get to your topmost top, look up.  Don't allow anything to stop you.
4. Resurrect  in your praise and prayer.
Don't get tired of praising God,  even when you have no reason  to do so,  just praise him still.  Don't mind what people say,  the same people  will come and celebrate  with you... 
Keep believing,  think positively,  very soon we'll celebrate you.

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