Thursday 30 April 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

Intimacy with God brings you blessing, but the pursuit of blessing will never bring you intimacy with God...

Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

You are a product of your thoughts... Whatever you are today is a product of what have been conceived in your mind yesterday... Think Big

Mid-week service update

"I have not called the house of Jacob to seek me in vain" ; says the Lord.
It was a wonderful time in God's presence...
The Oracle of God dish out the word of God to us and talked to us from the book of Psalm 8 vs 4-5 which says :
"What is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou care for him?
Yet thou hast make him little less than God, and dost crown him with glory and honor"... God has crowned you with glory and honor,  you don't need a prophet to tell you that you will fulfill destiny and be honored before you can do so because God has done that for you right from inception.. It is only required of you to key into it... You are meant to fulfill purpose and radiate God's glory... I pray for you this evening that every power that says you will not fulfill destiny and that your glory will not shine is destroyed in Jesus name...

Psalm 30 vs 5 says "for his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning... I declare into your life this evening that every situation that makes you shed tears will turn out to joy for you in Jesus name... Weep no more ; the Lord Jesus will turn your mourning into Joy.
Psalm 34 vs 10 says "the young lion suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good".
Even as powerful as the lion is, its baby still suffer want and hunger.. I'm glad to announce to you today that as a child of the "ALL SUFFICIENT GOD"  you are not meant to lack anything good.  You shall not lack anything good in Jesus name.
In conclusion, Galatians 6 vs 17 says " Henceforth let no man trouble me because I bear on my body the mark of Christ". Every power and principalities troubling your life,  your family, your business, your destiny is frustrated in Jesus name... No man will be able to threaten and trouble you any longer because you bear the mark of Christ

Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

As a man thinks in his heart so he his... Think Big

Bible Study.

Don't miss today's Bible study because it's always a nice time studying the Bible together with other believers. Time: 5:00pm to 6:00 prompt.  See you there.

Sunday 26 April 2015

The birthday Celebrants...

Combined Service

Today's Service is going to be a Combined Service...
Sunday school is going to start by 9:00a.m - 10:00a.m.
Service begins by 10:00a.m - 12 noon...
Be there... 

Saturday 25 April 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

If you can not fly; run... If you can not run;leap.... If you can not leap walk.... If you can not walk ;crawl..... Make sure you are are not stagnant but you are moving forward...

Singles Fellowship


Singles Fellowship

It is better to be a Single; believing God to be Married than to be married and to be praying to be a single...
Come and experience God in our life entreating forum today by 4:00pm.
Tagged : Singles and Purpose
Teacher : Pastor Sam Mobolaji
Come and be blessed....


Mrs. Felicia Mobolaji   April 26
Abigail Oke                   April 28
Emmanuel Olayanju    April 28
Mrs. Olawumi Adeniyi  April 28
Mr. Adewale Olosunde  April 28
Faith Oyedokun             April 29
Anjola'Oluwa Layinka    April 29
Akinlolu Kehinde            April 29
Mrs. Akinwande             April 30


Mrs. Dorcas Olokede       May 1
Peace Alabi                      May 1
Mrs.Bolatito                     May 2
Mrs. Omotayo Okeleye    May 2
Mrs. Adetutu Adeyemi     May 2

The Word on the MARBLE

The greatest tragedy in life is not death ; but to die without Christ

Thursday 23 April 2015

Singles Fellowship

Singles Fellowship is holding this Sunday...
Tagged : Singles and Purpose
Guest Speaker : Pastor Sam Mobolaji
Date : April 25th, 2015.
Time : 4 pm prompt
Be there....

The Word on the MARBLE

What your labor can not produce in ten years time ; favor brings it your doorstep with ease...

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mid-week service update

It was a wonderful time in God's presence...
Before the manifestation of God's glory, every mountain must be made low...
Looking at some mountains that serves as hindrance to manifestation...
Mount Gilboa for example in the book of 1 Samuel 31:8 is a mountain that destroyed the entire family of Saul in a day. This mount(problem, challenge ) is so tragic because it ensnares the entire family..
I pray for you this evening that every spirit of Gilboa,  every covenant of Gilboa bent on destroying your family will be destroyed in Jesus name.

Mountain of Ararat is another's critical mountain that must be made low...
Genesis 8 : 4 talks about the place where the ark of Noah losses relevance.
The ark of Noah at that time was the only option for the people as at that time to be saved. But suddenly it got to a mountain where its relevance becomes insignificant.
Mount Ararat makes you irrelevant after years of being relevant... It makes people who are meant to honor and favor you ignore and neglect you... After the ark of Noah ended it course at Mount Ararat, the ark was not mentioned any longer despite the work of salvation it was used to accomplished...
I decree to your life this evening that every mountain in your life, family, business, academics that makes people that are meant to favor and honor you to neglect you will be destroyed and made low in Jesus name...
This year is your year of remembrance..

The Word on the MARBLE

What you permit in your life determines your life.. If you are defeated in your heart you are defeated already.

Tuesday 21 April 2015


Happy birthday to Tunmise & Tomiwa (Paimo).....May the lord continue to guide and keep you both.....ijn (amen).

Monday 20 April 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

It is the depth that sustains the height... When your height exceed your depth collapse is inevitable.

The Word on the MARBLE

A thoughtless man is a useless man.... The quality of your thoughts affect the quality of your result...

Saturday 18 April 2015

Birthday Celebrants

Mr. Dokun Olutunde   April 19
Gbemisoye Joshua   April 19
Mrs. Layinka Olubunmi  April 19
Mr. A.S  Layinka      April 20
Gbemisola Olaojo  April 20
Paimo Kehinde      April 21
Paimo  Taiwo         April 21
Ayola'Oluwa Alaba - Olufemi  April 21
Ayodeji Abegunde   April 21
Victor Ojedokun       April 22
Adesewa Adepoju   April 22
Babatunde Ajani       April 22
Damilola Olatunji       April 23
Okunlade Oluwaseyifunmi  April 23
Mrs. Omotunde Afolabi    April 24
Tope Olaniyi             April 24
Sunday Togunde     April 24
Sunday Olukunle     April 24
Popoola Bolaji         April 24
Ayomide Paimo       April 24
Mr. Olaide Adeyeye  April 24
Adewale Akano        April 25
Temiloluwa Adedotun  April 25
Oyediwura Oyewo      April 25

Annual convention

The Baptist annual convention - in - session is starting today... Pray for the success of the program and journey mercy for every delegates coming from every part of the world....

Word on the MARBLE

When we draw near to God, our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed....

Friday 17 April 2015

Sunday service

Sunday 19-04-2015 will be a seperate service, English Service - 7:45am - 9.:30am  Sunday School: 9:30am - 10:30am, Yoruba Service: 10:30am-12:00pm....God bless you has you come.

Thursday 16 April 2015

The Pastor blesses the couple as he gave the Marriage certificate.

The Wedding Reception

The Wedding reception is at MAYOR'S PLACE along Akobo Olorunda road, IBADAN.

Pastor Moji Jaiyebo (Charis Family International Church) @the wedding

@Ibukun Oyewo's wedding

The colourful wedding

@Ibukun Oyewo's wedding

The beautiful bride

@Ibukun Oyewo's wedding

Family friends dancing

@Ibukun Oyewo's wedding

Bride's Parent

@ Ibukun OYEWO'S wedding

The happy couple

Wednesday 15 April 2015


ENGAGEMENT starts 7:00a.m this morning...

The church WEDDING is starting by 11:00a.m...

Word on the MARBLE

The little thing you ou are able to conquer in the secret will determine the great things that you will conquer in the public....

(1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself, for that puts you in disagreement with God.

(2) Meditate on your strengths and learn to encourage yourself-for most of the time,nobody else will.

(3) Don't compare yourself to anybody else. You are unique, one of a kind, an Original, so don't settle for being a copy.

(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, God lives in you!

(5) Find something you like and do well,and strive to do it with excellence.

(6) Have the courage to be different,be a God pleaser not a people pleaser.

(7) Learn to handle  criticism, let it develop you instead of discourage you.

(8) Determine your own worth-before others do it for you.

(9) Keep your shortcomings in perspectives: you're still a work in progress.

(10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence ……… God!

Word on the MARBLE

A water that is blessed is better than a fried rice that is cursed...

Monday 13 April 2015



DATE : Thursday, 16TH APRIL,2015.
TIME : 7:00a.m


  DATE : Thursday , 16TH APRIL,2015.              TIME :11:00a.m



Great Minds

Here on this blog is a page for great minds like you - where great minds discuss about issues that pertains to life... Just click on great minds, read the question for the day and give your own idea or knowledge about it... Your very own idea can be a blessing to your generation...

Sunday 12 April 2015


On the 16th of April, 2015... Oyewo Ibukun will be getting married.
Venue - Jubilee - Life Baptist Church, Basorun, Ibadan.
Time - 10:am.

From the altar...

Topic- Living a Resurrected Life.

Bible Text - Hebrew 12:1-3; Ezekiel 37:11-18.

All things work together for the good of
those who love God.
Don't focus on the challenges  around  you. 
Focus on the glory ahead of you.
To focus  on  the glory ahead
Develop a resurrection  mentality
   You'll never experience  the third phase resurrection if  you don't bury the past.
You can't have a hopeless situation if you are in tune with your God.  (your case can't be hopeless if you're  a child of God.)
  Exodus 37:11-18...  God will open your grave don't ever loose hope on anything,  God is still at work. 
Here are Four powerful things to do if you'll experience resurrection :
1. Resurrect in your thinking - Your thought is the gateway to your life.   ''  you can never rise above your thinking " proverb 23:7.  Your thinking creates boundaries above you and makes possibilities for you.  Your life will move in the direction of your most dominant thought.
Whatever you conceive and believe you'll receive. Renew your mind, Romans 12:2
2. Resurrect in your expectations :
You must raise your expectations in life.  Proverbs 23:18
For  you to get to your promise land, you have to raise your expectations(colossians 2:15) ... Nothing can stop you...
3. Resurrect in your perspective -  Your perspective is the glass through
which you see life...  How do you see life;  a looser or a winner.
Look up high...  If you're driving and you're looking back or down,  you will crash...  If you'll get to your topmost top, look up.  Don't allow anything to stop you.
4. Resurrect  in your praise and prayer.
Don't get tired of praising God,  even when you have no reason  to do so,  just praise him still.  Don't mind what people say,  the same people  will come and celebrate  with you... 
Keep believing,  think positively,  very soon we'll celebrate you.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Sunday service

The is to inform everyone that tomorrow's service is going to be a separate service...
English Service -  7:45 am -  9:30 am
Sunday School - 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Yoruba Service -  10:30 am - 12 noon God bless you as you plan and prepare to attend... 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Mid-week service update

In the presence of God there is fullness of joy and liberty... God speaks to us through His servant from the book of Isiah 41 vs 10-13...
  From the above passage, God introduces Himself to us as :
Our motivator -  He encourages us when we are down.

Our companion -  He is always by our side... You are not alone ; God is with you.

Our God
Our strength -  He is the strength of our life.

Our sustainer -  He uphold us  with His right hand of righteousness.
Our help -  Our ever-present help in time of trouble

In conclusion, FEAR NOT.. If you conquer fear - you conquer the world.
It is well with you in Jesus name..

All about how baptist started...... Read and get to know the origin of baptist in Nigeria

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Anointing Service

By anointing Jesus breaks the yoke... By the Holy Ghost and power just as the prophet has foretold... This is the day of the latter rain and God's spirit is moving again ; by anointing Jesus breaks the yoke.
It was a wonderful experience in God's presence.
The power of God can also locate you wherever you are because distance can not be a barrier to the move of the Holy Spirit.
Study and pray with the following Bible passages :
2 chronicles 7 vs 14 - Pray for the forgiveness of sin.
Psalm 107 vs 20 - Pray for healing .
Isiah 58 vs 6 - Pray for deliverance from the bond of wickedness, from the hand of the oppressor and pray that God should break every yoke in your life.
It is well with you in Jesus name...

BSF Praise Sunday

God inhabits the praises of His people, therefore, join us  this Sunday, (12-04-2015) as we sing songs of praise to our maker, believing that as we praise Him, the gates of heaven shall open and there shall be an out pour of showers of blessing on us


Today been the last day of the fasting and prayer of the month of April, it's going to be an anointing service, same time. Don't miss it.

Monday 6 April 2015


The church seven days fasting and prayer meeting continues today being the 6th day by 5:00pm and would be concluded tomorrow.

B.S.F Program for 12th April.(Sunday)

The Baptist Students` Fellowship (BSF), will hold on Sunday, 12th of April by 9am. All Students are hereby invited as we gather to Sing Songs of praise to our God.
Note: Sunday School starts by 8am.

Sunday 5 April 2015


The front and side view of the bus alongside with the Senior pastor dedicating the bus with church members.


The church of God celebrates with Baba Oyejide @ 70


The church of God celebrates with the new wedded Tomi and Joseph Adeleke during their wedding thanksgiving.

This Week Birthday Celebrants

Happy Birthday to
Mrs.  Olunike Babatunde (April 5)
Prof. Oyejide
Mr.  Paul Akinwumiju
Mr. Olusola Oyetunde  (April 7)
Adeyemo Oluwabukunmi (April 8)
Erastus Okediji (April 8)
David Gbenga (April 9)
Mrs M. A ogundijo
Mama Ajao
Mrs Adeola Adegbola
Mrs Titi Adeyemo (April 10)
olayode Sanusi
Ayobami Akano.
...  Long life and prosperity in God's vineyard,  goodness and glory.

Saturday 4 April 2015

5th of April 2015 's service

Today's service is going to be a combined service and no coming back in the evening for prayer because everything will be concluded in today's morning service...... Thank you and God bless.

Jubilee life Baptist Church.

JUBILEE LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH:a.k.a the land of Victory.

3rd of April 2015........ Engagement ceremony

The engagement ceremony of Mr and Mrs Adeleke.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Wedding Bell

Tomi Alagbe $ Joseph Adeleke's Wedding ceremony @ Jubilee Life Baptist Church On Saturday 4th of April 2015 10am.