Friday 28 August 2015

Baptist Student Fellowship


The Nigerian Baptist Convention'sChristian witness and ministry ininstitutions of higher learning are inresponse to the Lord's command tomake the gospel known to all persons.Because schools are engaged in thequest for knowledge and truth of whichGod is the Source, the Christianperspective is essential to realize theultimate in education. The uniquenature of the student life and campuscommunity demands a specializedministry of the church to the individualneed of students for redemption andChristian nurture within that community.

OUR OBJECTIVES• To lead students to a commitment toJesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.• To involve them in the study of biblicaltruth and Christian discipleship.• To lead them to relate academicdisciplines to their Christian faith.• To involve them in responsible churchmembership and denominationalunderstanding and participation.OUR OBJECTIVES EXPLAINEDSALVATIONMaking a personal, private/ publicconfession to begin a Christian life.Regular attendance to ChristianFellowships, church programme/activities, etc. becomes meaningful andrewarding after the experience ofsecond birth.DISCIPLESHIPBecoming an obedient follower ofChrist; guided by the Scripture and the Holy Spirit. Emphasis is placed onpersonal and group study as well as onbeing obedient to the revealed Truth.ACADEMIC EXCELLENCENeed for a balance of spiritual andsecular knowledge to enhance spiritualgrowth.CHURCHMANSHIPTotal commitment to and fullinvolvement in the programmes andactivities of a local Baptist church.OUR PURPOSETo plan and develop materials andservices acceptable for use by campusorganizations, church BSForganizations, Associations,Conferences, and Convention in orderto establish, strengthen and improve theministry to students in schools of higherlearning and in churches.STUDENT MINISTRY DEFINEDStudent Ministries in the local situationis the ministry to students on campus orchurch. The ministry is conductedprimarily in the following ways:A student organization, which is calledBSF (Baptist Student Fellowship).A Campus Minister provides leadershipto a campus-based BSF. This may be afully employed person or a volunteer.The Campus Minister serves as adviserto the BSF.A Church BSF Adviser providesleadership to a church-based BSF. Thisis a church member who is nominatedby the BSF and approved by the church.A Church Student Ministries Committeeserves as a liaison between the churchand the Student Fellowship in advisingand assisting, giving particularattention to the area of student-churchrelationships.An Associational and/or ConferenceCommittee assist local churches andcampuses in implementing andcorrelating a student ministryprogramme.OUR FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF THE STUDENTMINISTRIES DIVISION PROGRAMMEDESIGN : The Student Ministries Divisionshall be responsible for designing aprogramme of student ministryadaptable for use on campuses, inchurches, Associations, Conferences andthe Convention.PUBLICATION OF MATERIALS: The StudentMinistries Division shall make availablematerials to serve as guidelines forestablishing a Baptist studentorganization on a campus or in achurch. The Division shall also makeavailable materials for strengtheningand improving student organizations(e.g. promotional materials, Biblestudies, leadership training courses,discipleship courses, outreachprogrammes and retreat plans). Inaddition, the Division shall makeavailable a daily devotional guide.FIELD SERVICES: The Student MinistriesDivision shall make available personnelto assist in the establishment,development, and promotion of StudentMinistries throughout the Convention.CONFERENCES: The Student MinistriesDivision shall be responsible for theencouragement and promotion ofAssociational, Conference and Nationalstudent programmes.ACCOUNTABILITY: The Student MinistriesDivision shall be responsible forreporting its work and ministryactivities to the Convention.STUDENT MINISTRIES DIVISIONRELATIONSHIP TO CHURCHESStudent Ministries Division receivessupport from churches and is one of theoutreach arms of the local church.Churches throughout the NigerianBaptist Convention have a medium ofministry to students through the BaptistStudent Fellowship. Student MinistriesDivision has a responsibility to helpchurches develop an effective ministryto students. In the Nigerian BaptistConvention context, ministry to studentsis the work of the church.BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP DEFINEDThe BSF is an organisation, a fellowshipand a ministry. It is an organisation ofBaptist Students, a Fellowship ofChristian Students, and a Ministry to allstudents.OUR BSF DISTINCTIVES THE BSF LOGOThe logo of the BSF is a symbol whichdescribes the purpose and goal of theministry to students. Four (4) symbolsare involved:The academic cap (mortar board) standsfor academic success (Acts 26:24).The church building stands for the localchurch (Matthew 16:18 )The open Bible stands for the revealedWord of God (2 Tim. 3:16 )The globe stands for the vision of thewhole world (Matthew 28:19-20)The mortar board, placed in the centreof the church is the symbol of academicachievement, symbolizes the successfulstudent.The silhouetted church, in the centre ofthe open Bible illustrates the NewTestament church which is today thevisible expression of the Word of God.The church spiral points upward to theultimate source of truth and wisdom.The successful student is a part of theNew Testament church pointing man tothe Ultimate Source of all wisdom.The circle shows that the ministry of thechurch is to the whole world.Motto"By this all men will know that you aremy disciples, if you love oneanother." (John13: 35; NIV).The Baptist Student Fellowship motto isa reminder that the love and unitywithin the Christian community is thecharacteristic by which others willrecognize the followers of Jesus Christ.The colour of BSF is light leaf green,which stands for the physical, spiritualand intellectual growth of students. Itshows that a successful student needs togrow daily and steadily in all theseareas of life. The colour can be blendedwith other colours to bring out thebeauty of the BSF colour.OUR HISTORYAn Outline History of Baptist StudentMinistries of The Nigerian BaptistConvention(1956 - 2004) 1956 Miss Mary FrankKirkpatrick, the mother of studentministries and the pioneer missionaryof the ministry arrived Nigeria . Shebegan ministering to some students atIbadan Boys' High School, Ibadan .1957 The First "Baptist Student Night"was held at Antioch Baptist Church ,Ogbomoso on 29 December. It was anopportunity for students to lead theprogramme of the church. Revd.Thomas Kennedy, a Southern BaptistMissionary working with BaptistAssociations in the Northern Nigeriamade contact with some students in theNorth especially in Zaria .1958 University of Ibadan Baptiststudents requested a worshipopportunity.1960 Baptist Student Union (BSU) ofUniversity of Ibadan was launched.1964 - The Nigerian Baptist Convention(NBC) agreed to set a Sunday night forstudents in December as "BaptistStudents Night"The BSU of University of Ife waslaunched on 11 October.The Baptist Student Centre, Ibadanbegan to function.Space was also given to studentministries in the Nigerian Baptist, theofficial magazine of the NBC1965 Miss Kirkpatrick organized aLeadership Training Conference forstudents on 4 th of September.1966 Miss Kirkpatrick started full-timestudent ministries .In July the first BSUNational Conference was held at theNigerian Youth Camp, Lagos/Ibadanhighway with 37 students in attendance.1967 Seek Daily , a book of dailydevotions published by the studentministries started. It had beenpublished before by Miss Nar Owens atAgbor Baptist Girls' High Schoor, Agbor.1968 Baptist Student Union of AhmaduBello University, Zaria started with thearrival of Miss Bettye Anne McQueen.She also extended the scope of theministry to some towns in NorthernNigeria . She ministered to the ABU BSFtill 1985 when she left for Ibadan to bethe first Head of Student MinistriesDepartment (SMD) Nigerian BaptistConvention.1970 Charismatic and pentecostalawakening began on many campuses inNigeria .1972 Miss Kirkpatrick began thecirculation of a student newsletter tovarious campuses. This Newsletter laterdeveloped into a magazine, "The Voice".It production was stopped in 1977 andlater continued from 1985 by the BaptistStudent Fellowship Alumni Association.1975 The Baptist Mission of Nigeriapassed a motion to bring studentministry under the complete directionof the Nigerian Baptist Convention.1977 Miss Kirkpatrick departed Nigeriaon 17 December.1978 Mrs. Leslie Williams became theStudent Ministries Co-ordinator and sheretired a year later.The NBC nominated the first studentwork Advisory Committee under thechairmanship of Deacon (Professior)A.F. Ogunsola.The name, Baptist Student Union waschanged to Baptist Student Fellowship(BSF)1979 Miss Marie Van Lear became theStudent Ministries Coordinator. Sheserved till 1985.1980 The student work AdvisoryCommittee of the Nigerian BaptistConvention recommended to theConvention to open Student MinistriesDepartment and name a Head ofDepartment.1981 The NBC acted on the motion tobring student ministries under the NBCby voting to open a department ofstudent ministries and to seek adepartmental head. This was during theConvention Session at Benin.1982 Revd. Philip Wilson and his wife,Sandy joined the student ministries staffas Campus ministers for University ofJos BSF . They also extended theirministries to other parts of NorthernNigeria as the Northern BSF ZonalCoordinators. They resigned in 1993 toserve as the Executive Secretary of theBaptist Mission of Nigeria.The year also witnessed the beginningof Baptist Student Fellowship AlumniAssociation.1983 "BSF - NYSC Programme" started.Mr. Dejo Olaore (now Abioye) was thefirst corper. Chief Deacon S.S. Ayandawas very helpful on this programme.1984 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Douglassarrived as full-time Campus Ministers atthe University of Ibadan , Ibadan . Theirministry is best remembered foremphasis on Christian Discipleship.They resigned in April 1987.The first church-based BSF wasinaugurated at Abule-Okuta BaptistChurch , Gbagada, Yaba, Lagos .The first student holiday missionarieswere sent to Home Mission fields.1985 The first Secretary of SMD wasappointed at the NBC Session in Jos, inthe person of Deaconess Bettye AnnMcQueen. She opened the StudentMinistries Office on 17 June 1985 atBaptist Building , Ibadan Mr. SundayYemi Oyegbile was appointed as SMDOffice Secretary.1986 Baptist Student Leaders'Fellowship began at the Nigerian BaptistTheological Seminary, Ogbomoso.Miss. Mojisola B. Olaniyan wasemployed as the Writer and ProjectCoordinator, SMD.The Department began the publicationof Department newsletter, "The Vision".The BSF Guidebook was also published.1987 - Revd. Nathan Nwachukwu joinedthe SMD staff as Eastern BSF ZonalCoordinator1988 - Pastor Emiola Nihinlola joinedSMD staff as Western Zonal BSFCoordinator.The first Western Zone BSF LeadershipTraining Conference was held inDecember at Camp Young , Ede .1989 - National BSF adopted itsConstitution during the NationalConference at Camp Young , Ede.On 31 December, Deaconess McQueenresigned from student ministries as theHead of Department.Miss Bonnie Brown arrived Nigeria in1989 to start ministering to students inPort Harcourt and environs.1990 - Pastor Emiola Nihinlola wasappointed by the NBC to be the firstNigerian Coordinator of studentministries on January 1.The beginning of Associational BSFactivities.Production of programme books forchurch based BSFs,The induction of the first VolunteerCampus Minister in person of Revd.E.A. Ogunsola. He was VCM for BaptistSchool of Nursing, Ogbomoso. In June,Pastor Daniel Ogundayo joined StudentMinistries as WesternZonal BSF Coordinator.1991 - Production of ProgrammeGuidelines for campus-based BSFsbegan. The beginning of Award ofAccountability Merit to BSFs."Conference for Workers withStudents". organized for pastors andadult leaders of BSFs, started. PastorNkem E. Osuigwe became the ZonalCoordinator for the Eastern Zone 1 BSFwith base in Owerri.1992 Pastor Elisha Magaji joined theStudent Ministries staff as the NorthernZone 1 BSF Coordinator.1993 Pastors Adegoke Adeleke andJeffrey Salako joined the studentministries staff as BSF ZonalCoordinators forWestern and Eastern BSFs respectively.Pastor Nkem Oswigwe resigned from theStudent Ministries to resume as Pastor,Faith Baptist Church Port Harcourt.1995 Student Ministries and YouthDepartment was inaugurated at Orita-Mefa Baptist Church , Ibadan MrChristian Opara joined the StudentMinistries as Acting Zonal Coordinatorwith base in Owerri.1996 - Revd. Goke Adeleke wastransferred to the Youth Division asNational Coordinator in February.Mrs Mojisola Alabi (Nee Olaniyan) wasalso transferred to the PublicationsDepartment in June. In September, Mr.Diran Ajao was employed to serve ascurriculum writer. Also in September,Pastor Joshua Oladapo, was appointedas Acting Zonal BSF Coordinator basedin Akure. In August, Mr. Friday Ojiebunand Mr Moses Orukotan were appointedas Zonal Assistants with bases in Beninand Jos respectively. In November,MrNuhu Kahma was appointed as ZonalAssistant based in Kaduna. Mr GbengaAkintola was also appointed as ZonalAssistant based in Ola-Ejigbo.1997 Pastor Tayo Orodiji joined StudentMinistries Division as Western Zone IICoordinator in June.In July, Mr Keji Bolarinwa and Mr DejoAbioye were appointed as ZonalAssistants at Ado Ekiti and Ilorinrespectively.1998 - In January, Revd. Lambert U.Njoku and Pastor Reuben Kpanvujoined SMD as Eastern I and Northern IIZonal Coordinators respectively withbases at Owerri and Kaduna . In June,Rev Stephen Olufemi Dada, Rev FridayOjiebun, Pastor Gbenga Akintola wereappointed as Acting Zonal CoordinatorsNorthern Zone 1, Eastern Zone 1 andWestern Zone 1 respectively. In June,Revd. Emiola Nihinlola resigned as thecoordinator of the ministry and wassucceeded by Revd. Daniel Ogundayowhile Revd. Jeffrey Salako wastransferred to Ibadan from Benin. InDecember, Revd. Daniel Ogundayo alsoresigned and assumed the pastorate ofCalvary Baptist Church , Jos.In March, Mr Sunday Adesina Ajekigbewas appointed as Zonal Assitant basedin Minna.Beloved Miss Mary Frank Kirkpatrickwent to be with the Lord.1999 - Bro. Abiodun Oluwole wasappointed in April 1 as Zonal Assistantwith base in Akure.Revd. Jeffrey Salako became theCoordinator of the ministry from 1 stJanuary2000 - Mr. Sunday Oyegbile, wastransferred from the Student MinistriesDivision to Men Missionary Union fromJanuary 3rd 2000 .Mrs OlufunkeOgunmola joined the Student Ministriesstaff as Office Secretary2001 Brother Michael Owoade joinedthe Student Ministries as Zonal Assistantfor Western Zone I with base in Ago-Are, Oke- Ogun in January.2002 - Revd. Reuben .B. Kpanvuresigned as Zonal Coordinator forNorthern Zone II to pastor UnionBaptist Church , Keffi.Pastor Joshua Oladapo was appointed asthe Northern Zone II Coordinator withbase in Kaduna from 1 st October.Bro. Daniel Ayanmuyiwa was appointedas BSF Zonal Assistant for NorthernZone 1 on 1 st DecemberPastor Elisha Agya Magaji retired asCoordinator of Northern Zone I on 31 stDecember.2003 Pastor Moses Abiodun Orukotanjoined the Student Ministries staff on 6th January.2004 Rev. Jeffrey Salako left for furtherstudies in the USA on August 3 rd 2004 .Pastor Joshua Oladapo, Zone II NorthernCoordinator resumed as ActingCoordinator.In October, Rev. Tayo Chris Orodiji wasappointed as the Acting CoordinatorSMD in Ibadan , while Rev. JoshuaOladapo resumed in Akure as ZonalCoordinator.In October, Pastor Gbenga Akintola, wasappointed full-time Zonal BSFCoordinator, for Western Zone I.Pastor Samson Okediji was appointed asZonal Assistant for Western Zone IIwith base in Ogbomoso.11 th January 2005 , Rev. Tayo Orodijiand Rev Goke Adeleke. Chaplain ofBowen University , Iwo , went home tobe with the Lord.Ist April 2007 - Revd Gideon AkanbiJoined the division as the 6thindigenous National Coordinator.Ist May 2007- Pastor Bolaji Oyateru alsojoined the division as Zonal Coordinatorfor Northern Zone V with the base inMaiduguri.1st January 2008- Pastor AlhamduTukurah was comfirmed as the full-timeCoordinator for Northern Zone II withthe base in Kaduna. This same yearGbenga Osho and Ajine Delo joined theDivision as part-time staff with the basein Umuahia and Yola respectively.ZONAL OPERATION/STAFF/OFFICELOCATIONStudent Ministries operate in ten zonesacross the country ministering to over150 campuses. Underlisted are the keystaffs providing field services to BSFgroups across the country:National Office;National Coordinator: Revd.Ibukunoluwa Joshua SundayWriter/Editor: Revd. (Mrs.) IyaboAderonmu (08063092044)Ministerial Officers: Revd. MosesOrukotan (08056111793) (on studyleave)Rev Collins Olatunji (08033220237)Western Zone I:Zonal Coordinator: Revd. GbengaAkintola (0806028898)Location: Baptist Compound, Idi-Aba,AbeoukutaWestern Zone IIZonal Coordinator: Revd. Samson ‘GokeOkediji (08035695310)Location: Baptist Girl’s High School, Idi-Ifon, OsogboWestern Zone IIIActing Zonal Coordinator: Bro OluwoleAbiodunEastern Zone IActing Zonal Coordinator: Revd. FridayOjiebun (08037205420)Location: Baptist Building, NTA Rd.Benin City.Eastern Zone IIZonal Coordinator: Rev. OyekachiNnoromNorthern Zone IZonal Coordinator: Revd. Mike Owoade(08064608588)Located: C/O First Baptist Church,Markudi.Northern Zone IIZonal Coordinator: Pastor Steven Dada(08036140819)Northern Zone IIIActing Zonal Coordinator: Pastor SteveDada (08036140819)Location: C/O First Baptist Church,GombeNorthern Zone IVZonal Coordinator: Bro. Akindele(08060607204)Location: C/O First Baptist Church,Gusau.Northern Zonal VZonal Coordinator: Pastor OyateruBolaji (08034836767)Location: C/O First Baptist Church,MaiduguriTHE BSF HYMNStudents, Rise Now withRefrainStudents, rise now, build the Kingdom,Heed the Master's call todayStudents, stand up, follow Jesus;He's the Life and the Truth, the Way,In the city, in the village,In each near or distant land,Preach the gospel, make disciplesAnd fulfil the Lord's command,Refrain : Students, rise now, rise andbuild (2x)As true students of the Scripture,Workmen unashamed and bold,Grow in Knowledge, deepen wisdom;God's own truth is purest gold,And with prayer and devotionSeek the Master's face each day;Let the Kingdom come within youAnd among you in all ways,Refrain : Students, rise now, rise andbuild (2x)• As the servants of the SaviourLet God's will be done on earthJoining hands with other ChristiansShare the message of new Birth;We're forgiven, we've been pardonedThrough the death of Jesus Christ;God's own love gift has been offered;Our redemption's sacrificeRefrain : Students, rise now, rise andbuild (2x)• As the members of Christ's body,Sharing in one common life,Bearing burdens, sharing sorrows,Use God's love to banish strife,We're united in the church now,Founded on the rock of faith;We have gifts, now let us use themThat the Church may grow in graceRefrain : Students, rise now, rise andbuild (2x)5. Jesus calls us as disciplesTo give all our lives to Him,Bringing talents, time and money,And our futures yet unlived.He is building, let us join Him;Let us answer Heaven's call;Students, rise now, rise and followFollow Him as Lord of all,Refrain: Students, rise now, rise andbuild (2x)

NOTE:The BSF Hymn was composed with thetune in 1993 by the Rev. (Dr.) PaulOdgen Davidson. He is the Head of theDepartment of Music at The NigerianBaptist Theological Seminary,Ogbomoso.

Adapted from the official website of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

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