Sunday 31 May 2015

Couples night

Pictures of some of the couples at the couples night yesterday

The Word on the MARBLE

If your life is not in order, things around you can't be in order... If your life is not in good shape, things around you can't give a good shape... If your life doesn't have effect, you cannot affect others...

This Week Birthday

Mama Moji Akintayo    May 31
Emmanuel Tijani          May 31
Abimbola Oladoja         May 31
Mrs. Aina Williams        May 31
Kolawole Ayobami       June 1
Timilehin Oguntoye     June 1
Mr. Adeniyi Fanawopo June 1
Mrs. Atinuke Oyejide    June 2
Adebayo Motunrayo    June 2
Bola Adegoke               June 2
Mayowa Ogunwale      June 2
Dnc. benjamin Akande June 3
Mr. Jide Ojeleye            June 3
Feyisara Olaoye            June 3
Johnson Adeyemi        June 3
Mrs. Laide Aminu         June 3
Damilola Akanbi           June 5
Ore'Oluwa Ogunyale    June 5
Mr. Zacheous Ajetola  June 6
Oluyemi Johnson        June 6
Nike Adebayo              June 6
Adewale Adebayo      June 6
Nike Oguntoye            June 6

Friday 29 May 2015

Wednesday 27 May 2015

For your information

It is going to be a Combined Service this Sunday (Last Sunday ) ...
Sunday school Starts by 9 am - 10 am and the service begins thereafter...
Be there

The Word on the MARBLE

Putting the cart before the horse can be a driving force to your delay...


Singlehood is not only an identity but a phase in your life that prepares you for the future...
Singles fellowship is coming up with a program on Sunday... Be there

Mid-week service

It's another Wednesday again... Come and experience God as we Pray Until Something Happens (PUSH )... Prayer meeting starts by 5pm today...
Be there...

Sunday 24 May 2015

Children's Day Celebration

The Nigerian Baptist Convention under the leadership of the President, Rev. Dr. Supo Ayokunle has tagged 2015 as our year of Moving Forward: Working and Praying for Peace and Progress.

With the theme in mind I want to ask
you one question. What kind of
teacher are you?
Parents hate it when children tell
lies. God hates it when any of His
children tell lies (Proverbs 6:17).
Liars have a special place in hell fire
(Revelations 21:8). Jesus said the
following about the devil concerning
lies “. . . . . When he lies, he speaks
his native language, for he is a liar
and the father of lies. . .” (John 8:45
NIV). However, parents can teach
their children and teenagers to
become liars and tell lies without
knowing. How you may ask? Well
God’s Word says, Dear friends, let us
love one another, for love comes from
God. If anyone says, “I love God, yet
hates his brother, he is a liar. For
anyone who does not love his brother,
whom he has seen, cannot love God,
whom he has not seen. And he has
given us this command: Whoever
loves God must also love his brother
(1 John 4:7, 20-21). As we get ready
for elections and especially the one
on Valentine’s Day, which is seen as
lover’s day. Let us examine how we
are going to show love, teach our
children, teenagers and wards
another meaning of love. Let us teach
them not to be liars.
How are you going to behave before,
during and after the elections? How
do you teach kids that the people who
are not in your political party, who
are not from your state or tribe or
even your religion are still your
1. Show your children, teenagers and
wards that you love Jesus Christ
the Prince of peace (Isaiah 6:9).
Let your actions be peaceful ones.
Peaceful nature is caught rather
than taught. As you go and vote be
a peaceful voter. As you hear the
results, even if you do not like or
agree with them remember you
are a Christian, a child of the
Prince of Peace.
2. Teach children, teenagers and
wards to see all people from all
different tribes, religions and
political affiliations as made in
the image and likeness of God.
They should therefore be
respected and treated well.
Respect people who have different
opinions than yours. Respect
results that are different from
what you would have wanted.
3. Watch your words. Words are
powerful as there is life and death
in the power of the tongue
(Proverbs 18:22). One adage says,
“Words are like raw eggs once
they are dropped they cannot be
gathered together again. Do not
talk unpleasant things of people
who are not in the same political
party with you. Treat issues and
not people or personalities.
Discourage “hate speech” it has a
way of building up terrible
emotions, and that lead to ill
feelings, conflict and violent
confrontation. Watch your words.
Do not let them become fuel for a
fire that you cannot put out or that
could burn you.
4. Control your anger and your
reactions to people or situation.
Teach children/ teenagers to how
to control their anger by
controlling yours. Do not be part
of riots, looting or people who
destroy public peace. Defuse
tension around and about you. Be
a peace keeper and a peace
maker. Let the peace of Christ rule
in your hearts, since as members
of one body you were called to
peace (Colossians 3:15 NIV).
5. Teach your ward not to be violent.
Do not kill or injure people. There
is one thing God hates and that is
hands that are full of blood
(Proverbs 6:17). Even when Jesus
was provoked He did not open His
6. Emphasis the importance of
forgiving people. Forgive people
who have offended you. Let your
children see your forgiving
7. The best thing is to do your civic
duty, that is voted and then to
leave the streets. There is a time
for everything. Teach your child to
do what is right then to walk
home not to do the wrong thing
and then have to run away.

In Conclusion: The opposite word of
love is hate. Run away from hatred.
Love people around you no matter
who they are. Chose not to be a liar.
Chose to love. Chose to teach how to
love. Chose to follow God’s Word.
Chose to teach your children and
teenagers not to become liars by
helping them love people around
them and thereby loving God. Jesus
says,If you love me, you will obey
what I command (John 14:15 NIV)

Children's Day Message

Children's Day is recognized on various days
in many places around the world, to honor
children globally. It was first proclaimed by the
World Conference for the Well-being of Children
in 1925 and then established universally in
1954 to protect an "appropriate" day.
On a day like this,  children are given the opportunity to express self and explore their God given gifts. In this context, in a way that will glorify God.
Church children at JLBC (Jubilee-Life Baptist Church) led the people of God into singing praises,  prayer and above all they came together (being organised by the teachers) to pass across a message of PEACE. This they did through a play and spoken words. Thereafter,  the Children's pastor gave a sound exhortation on how to live peacefully to the adults and children.
It was such a great time in God's presence.


Happy Birthday

Children's Day Celebration @Jubilee Life Baptist church

Saturday 23 May 2015


@The Burial ceremony of the late Madam ESTHER OLATUNDUN AREMU. aka (Iya ijo of Ebenezer Baptist church.)

This Week's Birthday Celebrants

Mr Moses Idowu    May 24
Mrs. R. A Okesiji     May 24
Eniola Adejumo      May 24
Oloruntoyin Fatoki  May 25
Mrs. Feyikemi Okunade  May 26
Mr Zacheous Abiodun    May 26
Opemipo Ogunlesi   May 27
Ayomide Olaoye       May 27
Adeola Adebayo       May 27
Mrs. Elizabeth Adeyemo   May 28
Mrs. Ope'Oluwa Oyetunde May 28
Ise'Oluwa Agunbiade May 28
Eriadura Ipadeola       May 28
Bolaji Oluwadamilare May 28
Mr. I. O. Okunade        May 29
Shedrach Ojo              May 29
Mr. B. O. Ishola           May 30
Mrs. Bukola Ejigbile   May 30
Christopher Lawoore May 30
Emmanuel Akintomide May 30



Photo speaks

At Taiwo Abimbola and Adesina Tokunbo's wedding ceremony

Photo speaks at the glorious wedding ceremony


The new bride in her engagement attire : Abimbola Taiwo.

Friday 22 May 2015

For your information

This Sunday is going to be children's day celebration service...
It's going to be a separate service ;
English Service starts by 7:45 am - 9:30 am...
Sunday School follows immediately 9:30 am - 10:30 am...
Yoruba Service follows immediately after the Sunday school 10:30 am - 12 noon...
Have a blessed day...

Thursday 21 May 2015

The Word on the MARBLE

If you don't follow hard after your dreams - you will be hired to make others dream come reality

The Word on the MARBLE

As the eyes is the light of the body so your vision is the light of your future...

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Mid-week service updates

It's another wonderful time in God's presence...
Job 5 vs 12-13 says "He disappoints the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. He takes the wise in their own craftiness : and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong" ...
Pray against every device of the devil  concerning your life, family, business e. t. c...
Deuteronomy 4 vs 40 says "Thou shall keep therefore His statues and His commandments, which I command you, that it may be well with you, and with your children after you, that you may prolong your days upon the earth which the Lord your God gives you forever" ... 
The Lord wants all to be well with you.  He is even concern with your children's welfare...
Pray that all will be well with you and that the Lord should prolong your days in the land of the living...
In conclusion, Psalm 112 vs 2 says "His seed shall be mighty upon earth ; the generation of the upright shall be blessed" ...
I decree tonight that the Lord will cause your seed to be mighty on earth and be called blessed... Every of your offspring will be mighty on earth, none of your offspring will be humiliated in the the name of Jesus... Your generation is blessed of God in Jesus name...
Remain blessed

Mid-week service

It's another Wednesday again for us to Pray Until Something Happens... Join the people of God today for Mid-week prayer service by 5pm..
Be there...

The Word on the MARBLE

The greatest mistake you can make in life is not believing in yourself...

Sunday 17 May 2015